2019 Climathon of the City of Cava de’ Tirreni

Climathon, the hackathon on climate change that simultaneously takes place worldwide supported by the EIT - Climate KIC, was held on October 25th 2019.

During the event, cities identify challenges to stem the effects of climate change by involving the participation of citizens, called to propose solutions. Climathon lasts 24 hours during which brainstorming, planning and training are alternated; finally, concrete solutions are developed.
Climathon of Cava de' Tirreni was attended by about 172 people, of which 60 students from middle schools and 48 from high schools. On the 25th October, in Cava de’ Tirreni the following challenge was launched: "How can we improve/increase the collection of (small) end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the city of Cava de 'Tirreni? ".

The high school students, working in 8 different groups throughout the visual tools developed within the Young Innovators project, were called to answer with potential solutions. An award was recognized to the most original idea for increasing the WEEE collection, namely the TSAP project "High Pressure Safe Pipes" that  calls for the realization of an innovative technology based on an underground transport system directly connecting houses to the drop-off point.

A contest was also organized for the creation of a video spot, to be used in advertising campaigns to improve communication on WEEE: among 11 videos submitted, a video in which the NAO robot signs its biological testament choosing to be recycled at the end of its life to create new other robots was awarded. The activities started on Thursday 24th October, with a Workshop during which stakeholders and waste management experts discussed about the WEEE supply chain, highlighting critical issues and development opportunities in the framework of the circular economy principles.  At the end of work, a classical music concert was held by the high school students from the Cava de’ Tirreni Liceo Musicale. Friday 25th October was instead dedicated to students, engaged  to face the challenge of Climathon.  Moreover, Climathon also provided visitors with the opportunity to gather information and awareness-raising material on future local projects on WEEE environmental issues; the visiting students were also welcomed  and accompanied by ENEA researchers in different experimental paths related to the world of research in the field of innovative materials and technologies.